Running 4:3 games aspect correct on a 16:9 Screen Why do you want your game to be in a window you might ask? !RpZVgLhQ!0DU5z1z3pivoV8K0iudVDm6oW6-p1mJip9uNFiH2eqo
You Copy over D3d9.dll Settings.arc and window.dll this dll You can use These files to force the game into a Window. You can use a programe called 'Depenaicy walker' To find out if the target game is one of these, check what d3d Version it uses, if it uses d3d9, LIKE MOST TTX games AWSOME
Okay lets start off with the basices on what these can do and how they workĪll of the Games use something to render the game window, this is but not limited to d3d8, d3d9, Gdi, and openGL